Love – May this be proof?

How does this defintion melt on the tip of your tongue?

Love is irresistible. Love is adequate. Love is balanced. Love is flammable. Love is fusible. And love is also falling on a big fat mattress at the same time as your partner as you cuddle and fall asleep at whatever time of the day.

That’s really just one of the many that came to my thoughts whilst I’m in a stressful position in my love life and my previous replicate more of a wish.
Recently I’ve asked myself however though, how can we make love be refutable in itself? Science doesn’t have proof, religion doesn’t show us accuracy and nature gives us failure.

So what is love? What do we see in it? I most certainly figured that love isn’t quite love. But you can have a lot of different emotions whilst loving a lot of different people around you and still come back to the same founder of what love really is about in today’s world. One word – Obsession! Love is a drug, scientifically. Love is a vow, religiously. Love is caring, naturally. And you take them all on board and walk through life like you never did before, cause you’ve got the right one(s) around you!


Who do we rely on when we grow old? Who do we wanna spend our lifetime with? Who can we call at any time of the day? Who is there for you when we have a bad day? Who on earth is the one I can ask for who? And, who will you can put your heart down on to know they will never break it? There must be a some-“who” out there but have you really found them yet?

Pressure? Gimme more!

Where is it? Where can I find it? More of the things every human needs. Yes, pressure I’m talking about. [Sarcasm so far] We all live in a modern world where pressure of any kind rests on our shoulders and we need to deal with consequences and failure we stand up for with our responsibility. It’s hard to accept that we shift that pressure around though but it never leads back up to the leaders in charge who decide on laws, changes, whatsoever that only benefits them as well as accept changes which aren’t visible in their eyes. They release the pressure but never have to deal with the chance of back fired guns. Once you’re on top you can burst it all out! Just like a cannon, and it’s wreckless!

Recapturing the Big Bang Evolution

Imagine everyone would restart their life and wouldn’t have anything,.. and I mean, ABSOULETLY NOTHING! It only takes 5 no’s and you’re already at the bottom of the world. No knowledge, no emotions, no sense of perception, no language, no ethics. Yes! Only 5 no’s are the means of everything in life. You can have love, friends, light, air, family, religion, education, politics,… but what are they worth when all you really hold is the thought of a new beginning with a mess of a wiped brain.

Mindless Wonder

Wouldn’t it be great to experience, reminisce, challenge the unknown, work the guts out, or even just triumph the hurdle with a flick of a finger as your mind tells you to enjoy life without a struggle. We all know it would and we all know that this would be a wonder, but we human are. We are wonders. We just never take advantage of using our sleep to connect the dreams with our future. We have so many mindless answers, sometimes more than science can prove and we still step on the same square we used to tramp. Our creativity is going to be worn out by statistics, analytics, numbers, deviations, formuals, and flowing characters forming rules and laws because we are becoming a human population of nations whose beliefs are down fighted by constant hammering rather than exposue of illuminating dreams.